“We are committed to helping you achieve your personal financial goals.”

~Geordie Crossan, President, NBS Financial Service, Inc.

At NBS Financial Services, Inc. we’ve developed a disciplined investment management approach that builds sound portfolios that include of a mix of asset categories designed to be less volatile in turbulent markets.

Our comprehensive investment management approach takes the client’s financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon into account and matches those factors with suitable investments. Our planners, each a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) located in Greater Los Angeles, use their experience and expertise to create risk-managed, tax-efficient, low-expense investment portfolios for our clients that help them plan to achieve specific financial goals while providing comprehensive wealth management services.

A major component of our approach involves our independence. It allows our advisors to match and procure the best financial and investment products for our clients without concern for bias due to sales quotas and compensation. As CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™ providing fee-only investment management, we have a fiduciary obligation to do what is in our clients’ best interest and our compensation comes from our clients and not big financial companies.

We’re one of many wealth management firms in Los Angeles, but we believe our disciplined approach to investing puts us in a better position to help our clients reach their financial goals.