General Disclosure

NBS Financial Services, Inc. (NBS) is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor with an office in Westlake Village, California.  NBS may only transact business or render personalized investment advice in those states and international jurisdictions where we are registered/filed notice or otherwise excluded or exempted from registration requirements. 

The purpose of this website is for informational only.  NBS does not affect transactions or render personalized investment advice for compensation through this website.  Any communications with prospective clients residing in states or international jurisdictions where NBS Financial Services, Inc. and its advisory affiliates are not registered or licensed shall be limited so as not to trigger registration or licensing requirements.  Certain areas of this website are for the strict use of the clients of WeNBS Financial Services, Inc., and are protected from access by the general public.

This website contains links to various third party websites which are not under the control of NBS Financial Services, Inc. The third party websites reached though these links may have privacy and security policies that differ from ours.  The links do not imply or suggest any endorsement, association, or partnership with NBS Financial Services, Inc.  Visitors of that follow any links on our site, and any subsequent links on third party webpages, do so at their own risk.