Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is the most common and frequently sought-after service that NBS Financial Services, Inc. provides to our clients.

Simply put, it is the process of financially planning for the day when you stop exchanging your time, labor and skills for outside income and your income is generated by the wealth that you have built in the form of assets, pensions, and government benefits. Most people work their entire lives looking forward to their retirement. As it creeps closer and closer, they understand that it is looming, but take little or no time to envision what that retirement might look like; or even consider the costs that may be associated with it.

We work with our clients to uncover not only their financial goals for retirement, but also what their ideal image of their life during retirement looks like to them. We help them answer questions such as where will they live, what cars will they drive, what will they eat, and will they go on vacations?

Our advisors learn what that dream retirement is and help our clients plan for that life by developing a comprehensive retirement plan that takes into account the client’s financial resources and the costs associated with their ideal retirement. Once that plan is in place, we use investment management [link to investment planning page] and wealth management strategies to help ensure the plan meets our client’s objectives.

NBS recognizes that retirement is one of the most important life-transitions a person will make. The goal of every retirement plan that our advisors implement is to meet the client’s financial goals as effectively as possible.